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Launch of The Centre for the Political Economy of Labour (11-15 November)

The Department of Work, Employment and Organisation at University of Strathclyde along with our regional and international partners would like to invite your participation in a week of activities to launch the new Centre for the Political Economy of Labour

Monday 11 – Friday 15 November 2019 University of Strathclyde

Monday 11


Venue tbc

Participatory Master's 'master class': 'The right to be equal and different, different and equal'

Raul Araujo, Federal University of São Paulo and Cubosocioambiental. In association with International MSc students at Department of Work, Employment and Organisation

For further information please contact

Graham Hills Room 8.98

Public lecture: 'Understanding and confronting slave-like labour in the 21st century'

Luis Henrique da Costa Leão, Psychologist, Institute of Collective Health, Federal University of Mato Grosso

To confirm attendance please contact

Tuesday 12

12.00 - lunch
Royal College Building
RC426, 204 George Street, Glasgow
G1 1XW

Panel Discussion: 'Workers' collective health, new workplace hazards and the environment'

Introduction: Phil Taylor, University of Strathclyde
Luis Henrique da Costa Leão, Federal University of Mato Grosso;
Ana Terra Reis, State University of Sao Paulo UNESP-Presidente Prudente, and Landless workers organiser & reflections

Reflections by Peter Clausing, toxicologist, Pesticide Action Network Germany; Jim McCourt from Inverclyde Employment Rights and Advice Centre; Elaine Webster, Miranda Geelhoed, Strathclyde Law School and Centre for Environmental Law and Governance

To register, provide your details through Eventbrite here

Wednesday 13

Scottish Universities Insight Institute,
Collins Building
22 Richmond St
G1 1XQ

Launch of the Centre for the Political Economy of Labour

12.00: Lunch and music with Sean McGarvey

13.00: Launch event. Welcome from Strathclyde Business School: Krishna Paudyal, Vice-Dean (Research)

Introduction to Centre, website and media centre: Dora Scholarios & Brian Garvey

Introduction to themes/projects:

  • Labour in the Global South: Pratima Sambajee & Francis Portes Virginio (Reflections from Reaz Chuttoo, Confederation of Public and Private Sector Workers)
  • Sustainable work and employment in an age of technological disruption: Phil Taylor & Dora Scholarios (Reflections from Chandrima Roy, University of Leicester)
  • New enclosures, conflict and labour: Kendra Briken & Brian Garvey (Reflections from Ana Terra Reis, UNESP-Presidente Prudente, Brazil)

14:40 Keynote speakers: Introductions; Chair: Pedro Fuentes, Chile SCDA; Jane Ragoo, Confederation of Public and Private Sector Workers (CTSP); Cailean Gallagher, Scottish Trade Union Congress

15.55: Discussion and conclusion

16.30-17.00: Closing drinks and music with Sean McGarvey

To register, provide your details through Eventbrite here

Thursday 14 and Friday 15

Thursday 14 - 9.30-15.30; Friday 15 - 9.30-14.00
Scottish Universities Insight Institute,
Collins Building
22 Richmond St
G1 1XQ

'Theatre of autonomy and ways of Living': A two day creative workshop to reclaim collective knowledge, overcome separation and isolation in our working, community and family lives

Raul Araujo, Federal University of São Paulo, with Centre for the Political Economy of Labour & Living Rent Glasgow.

Inspired by the works of Paulo Freire, Augusto Boal & Bernard Stiegler.

To register, please contact stating why you are interested in the workshop and how or where you might use the learning.

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