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Securitisation of Nature, Displacement and Unfree labour in Brazil's Amazon

This project (2021-2024) examines the experiences of unfree labour within international migrants and internally displaced communities in Brazil`s Amazon. Drawing upon the life stories of displaced workers and ethnographic documentation of their living conditions, this study intends to provide new theoretical frameworks and policy-based recommendations to address the issues of forced displacement and slave labour in Brazil. This three-year study aims to investigate:

(1)  how the securitization of state borders and policing technologies have shaped displacement and forms of labour unfreedom in Brazil.

(2) the extent to which inequitable access to social rights and adequate living conditions following displacement are linked to the experiences of slave labour;

(3) how the shared experiences of displaced communities and the enhanced visibility of their working conditions can inform local, national and international policies and practices to combat slave labour.

Project Coordinator

Leverhulme Early Career fellowship (ECF)

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