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Agrotoxins, work health and the politics of poisoning

Agrotoxins, work health and the politics of poisoning

Alarming levels of pesticide use in food, grain and bioenergy production in Latin America are linked to European based companies selling products that are banned in Europe. This project explores the intensification of hazardous chemical use in agroindustrial processes and the potentially lethal effects on workers, adjacent communities and consumers across globalised food chains between Europe, Latin America and beyond.  It reveals the conflicts between monocultural advance and the alternative, ecologically committed practices of land based communities

Project Funding

SCF Global Challenges Research Fund; Brian Garvey (PrincipaI Investigator), Kendra Briken (Co-investigator). Francis Portes Virginio (Co-investigator)

  • Antonio Thomaz Jr and Ana Terra Reis, UNESP Presidente Prudente, Brazil
  • Peter Clausing, Pesticide Action Network Germany and Europe
  • Larissa Mies Bombardi, University of São Paulo
  • Wanderlei Pignati, Luis Henrique da Costa Leão and Bianca Pistorio Federal University of Mato Grosso, Brazil
  • Saskia Vermeylen, University of Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law and Governance
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