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The Centre for Memory, Documentation and Archive “Florestan Fernandes” (CEMOSi) focuses on the aspirations of male and female workers in urban and rural areas, and on their incessant struggle to keep or acquire rights regarding land access, employment and working conditions. This struggle produces records which have taught us about the trajectories of workers throughout time. With this purpose, and to disseminate the construction of these combative processes, the Centre for Memory, Documentation and Union Library "Florestan Fernandes" (CEMOSi) was created in 1997. The organisation and preservation of such collection makes CEMOSI a recognised centre of excellence for researchers not only from the Faculty of Science and Technology of Unesp, Presidente Prudente Campus, but also from across other municipalities in the region of Pontal do Paranapanema, in the State of São Paulo or in other Federation Units in Brazil. The centre`s collection comprises documentary archives produced and received by trade unions, workers, popular organisations, social movements, independent press and  political parties across various regions of Brazil and other countries such as Argentina, Spain and Nicaragua. It was collected through donations made by trade unions themselves, trade unionists, activists, researchers as well as the storage and production of reports, research and other projects developed by the CEGeT Network (Center for the Study of the Geography of Work) of Researchers.


Banking workers

Academic workers

Metallurgical workers

Slaughterhouse workers

Struggle for Land

Project team:

Ian Damaceno: State University of São Paulo (Unesp)

Ricardo Pires de Paula: State University of São Paulo (Unesp)

Antonio Thomaz Júnior: State University of São Paulo (Unesp)

Research partners:

CEGeT: Centro de Estudos de Geografia do Trabalho

Coletivo CETAS de Pesquisadores

PDI Unesp

PROEX: Pró-Reitoria de Extensão Universitária - Unesp

SINTRAPP (Sindicato dos Trabalhadores no Serviço Público Municipal de Presidente Prudente e Região)

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